Sunday, December 6, 2015

Expecting Kindness - A new review and a little plug!

Here is my latest Amazon review!

Your Pocket Doula
on December 4, 2015
Okay, here's the deal. Being pregnant is overwhelming. There is so much to know to "do things right." 
What to eat, how to exercise, writing a birth plan... And then, you know, you've gotta actually deliver
the kid. When my wife and I got pregnant I bought all the books. You name it, it was on my bed side
table. Little did I know I could have saved myself the time, the money, and the frustration over sterile
and boring books that scare you about all the things you may be doing wrong. Expecting Kindness
demystifies pregnancy, labor, delivery, and welcoming a new baby while delivering a much needed
dose of chill surrounding the whole process. Reading this book felt like talking to a supporting and well
informed friend. Like having a doula in your back pocket. And let's be real- everyone could use a pocket
doula. Kristin Dibeh can be your pocket doula. I would recommend this book to anyone welcoming a 
baby into the world- not just pregnant mamas. This book was the only one my wife actually agreed to 
read and she loved it too. It is down to earth, informative, at times humorous, always accessible.
Thank you, Kristin, for helping us gear up to let go of all expectations as our little girl made her way
into the world and into our hearts.
review image

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