Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions.

This class will provide everything you (and your partner) will need to understand the entire process of labor and birth, including the most common variables. You will be educated about what your body is doing during the various stages of labor, which will (mostly) eliminate fears and replace them with confidence, anticipation, and a deep respect of the female body and it's ability to give birth. You will learn tried and true comfort measures that I have learned both through my original training as well as from attending well over 200 births; We will practice massage techniques and other sensual tools, guided verbal relaxation, mental imagery and others to help get you through the moments that may feel overwhelming.  We will work together to prepare a thoughtful, respectful, and flexible birth plan and teach you to effectively advocate for yourself and your baby, and finally we will discuss everything you need to know about going home with a newborn! We have fun, we have great conversations, an open and inviting atmosphere to allow you to ask literally ANYTHING, a comfortable classroom that is also an actual birthing suite that the instructor has worked in hundreds of times. Because of my experiences, the story telling component is really illuminating and it's easy to get swept up in the excitement by hearing the empowering stories of women who have gone before you. More details in the tabs on the right!

My book (our curriculum), Expecting Kindness, is available to browse both in the lobby of the Eastside Birth Center, on the shelves at Soul Food Books in Redmond, as well as on  For those who are unable to attend classes for any reason, I urge you to pick up a copy and work through the lessons together with a birth partner independently.  It is a valuable resource. The feedback has been universally positive, both in the classroom and from those who have used it privately. The lessons are concise, easy to read and understand, and more effective than all the resources you will find on the bookstore shelves specifically for birth preparation. To my knowledge, it is the only workbook style Childbirth Education resource on the market and I am very proud of it.  It is designed to prepare women and partners for an uncomplicated, unmedicated birth, when it is the healthiest choice for mom and baby...which is almost always...AND prepares you to make wise choices if a need for intervention arises. Acknowledging that medicine is beautiful, when necessary, we know that when it is overused it can create risk that wouldn't otherwise have existed if administration of many interventions weren't so routine.  I want you to walk away from your matter what the outcome...knowing that you made sound decisions on behalf of yourself and your baby. You can purchase the book directly from me by clicking the tab on the right titled Order a copy of "Expecting Kindness".

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